Saturday 14 December 2013

Learn To Communicate & Trust Your Gut Instinct

TEDTalk: Heribert Watzke: The brain in your gut

Learn To Trust Your Gut Instinct
By V N Mittal

Many of our emotions are known to originate in the belly—these emotions seem to grow from our gut. The gut is really our second brain. There are more neurons in the gut than anywhere else except the brain says Greenblatt, an American psychiatrist.The gut's brain known as enteric nervous system is located in sheaths of tissue lining the oesophagus, stomach, small intestine and colon. Research has shown that there is a connection between the brain and gut, and a prolonged dysfunction in the gut may give rise to neurodegenerative disease and affect your immune system adversely. Unexpressed emotions such as anger when repressed may stick in your gut creating energy block and often a serious health hazard.

"The second brain is an intuitive brain" says Alexander. But we tend to let rational thinking overrule intuition emanating from gut instinct – while animals often heed to this sixth sense. By cultivating your intuitive skills, you are enabled to listen to the little voice in your head more clearly. Stories abound about many lives that had been saved by those following their gut instinct in time. It is that mysterious gut feeling that often turns out to be right.

Not only is gut instinct important from physical and emotional perspectives, it has a spiritual connotation too. It motivates us to accept our true place in the journey of life and teaches us to accept others for what they are.

Energetically, physically, emotionally and mentally, we are all powerful radiant beings. Yet, we often find ourselves lacking in accepting and radiating our own power. Sometimes we tend to accept much less than our true worth because of a weak gut.

Accepting less than your true worth is a symptom of an under-active Solar Plexus or the Manipura chakra – the abode of gut instinct, self-esteem and determination. The Manipura is located between the navel and the base of the sternum and helps you to discover your own personal power and will. When this chakra is activated, your whole system becomes fully energised, which in turn fires up your power, drive and sense of purpose.The fire produced in Manipura fuels our metabolism. Its deficiency leads to low self-esteem, as well as a loss of drive and will. We could suffer from perpetual fear of rejection, over-sensitivity to criticism, and loss of self-image.

So activating your Manipura chakra is important. The Manipura, like all other chakras, can be activated by physical manipulation, visualisation, martial arts, meditation, and in several other ways.

Manipura is a power chakra in the human body. When we bring balance to this chakra, we can begin to experience a true inner strength and power while moving away from the unhealthy desire to gain power over others. This paves the way to a more relaxed and spontaneous life, powerful but free. When we lose power, we also lose touch with our own unique individuality. Learn to trust your gut instinct. When you are stuck at a crossroad and are wavering between choices, it is the gut instinct that can help you discover the right option.

Beware that acting on the gut instinct indiscriminately may sometimes be disastrous and land you in trouble. What is needed is to let your innate wisdom strike a balance between gut instinct and rational thinking in order to make the best use of the survival biological tool.

The writer is Reiki Sensei in Dehradun.
first published on

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